Tuesday 4 June 2013

Nvidia Tegra 4 is late - Smartphones supposedly in the next two months

Computex: Nvidia Tegra 4 is late - Smartphones supposedly in the next two months
Nvidia themselves have little impact on the plans of the buyers of its processors, even if it took the Tegra 4 bit longer than planned, until you could start with the delivery of the finished chips from mass production to customers by different manufacturers. An Nvidia representative told us that we had to take into account delays of about three months from the original schedule. The background was the decision by the Nvidia Tegra 4i introduce a further development of the Tegra 3, in which the 4-PLUS-1 architecture has been expanded to include a cellular modem, which was made possible by the Nvidia takeover of Acera.
Because Nvidia has only limited resources, we had to change the schedule at short notice in order to implement the Tegra 4i timely and drive market maturity, the company spokesman. Meanwhile, the problems were overcome, however, so for example with ASUS and Toshiba already the first manufacturers have announced their own tablets with Nvidia Tegra fourth The chip will offer its four ARM Cortex-A15 cores, clocked about the ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity of the latest generation with 1.9 GHz, and the 72 graphics processing cores, the GeForce graphics part to unprecedented levels of performance.
By tweaking the basic 4-PLUS-1 architecture, in which one uses an additional core is clocked lower and mainly serves to not have to run continuously even for simple tasks, the four high-end cores, the Tegra is 4 can be easily used in smartphones. While the four main cores operate at 1.9 GHz, for example, running the fifth core, wherein it also is an ARM Cortex-A15, a maximum of only 825 MHz. At this frequency, it should require less energy than a Cortex-A9, 1.6GHz is almost twice as fast - and provide more power. However, remains to be seen how quickly hurry now, the device manufacturer with the launch. But be sure that before Christmas a new range of 4 Tegra-based tablets and smartphones are also just be available.

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