Monday 8 July 2013

Windows Phone Samsung Cronus Leaks, Sequel Of Samsung ATIV S Still Developing

Actually, Samsung ATIV S was the first Windows Phone 8 device. It was announced earlier than the Nokia Lumia 920. But the sales of Samsung ATIV S aren’t as impressed as the Nokia Lumia 920. Samsung ATIV S will become the past as its sequel is coming soon.
There was a device leaked out and it is known as the Samsung Cronus. The source stated that the Samsung Cronus is the sequel of Samsung ATIV S and Samsung ATIV Odyssey.
The Samsung Cronus still under developing as mentioned by the source. Well. Samsung Cronus is just a code name for the device. You can expect the name like Samsung ATIV S2 for the device.
The Samsung Cronus will be running on Windows Phone 8 GDR2 or even later version Windows Phone 8.1. The estimated launch date is September later this year at the IFA 2013 event in Berlin. The Samsung ATIV S was launched at IFA 2012 last year.
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