Monday 5 August 2013

Awesome new GTA 5 multiplayer features


Awesome new GTA 5 multiplayer features?

But now that we think about it, with every Rockstar game we’ve played it’s exceeded our exceeded expectations of the game.
If what they say is true, what could it possibly be?
Well, it can’t be just more game types.
For the most part, we can’t really imagine what they could or would do to make it so great. Like what we said before we think it’s mainly just talk.
We do think that the multiplayer will be great after all, but we can’t imagine it being that great. Hey, if we are proven wrong, that would be awesome.
But we guess all of us just have to wait and see.
If it really is that awesome though, it might explain some of the development time.
Like, the goal being to make full use of the game world of GTA V in ways that the single-player campaign alone could not, and perhaps to blend things together more seamlessly.
But again, it’s hard to say what would actually go into that, especially given the limitations imposed by the hardware (you can’t exactly make it an MMO).
UPDATE: Some information we’ve taken from the internet:
Multiplayer will be more like single-player.
Activities will be all open, and also there will be missions like in single-player, although they will be their own unique story heists set up for people to team up and take down.
Some missions, players will be split up and each person has their different roles to play in the set-up, when certain missions go down, you will be competing with other crews who are working on their own agenda.
Also some players will be able to choose to play as cops like in GTA IV, and they have to stop the heists and gang wars and various missions from happening.
You will also have your own gang-hideouts, which other players will try to take over whenever they want, and you will have to defend them, a bit like turf wars.
Other modes like ‘Mafiya Wars’ will also be fully integrated in to the free roam, where players can choose to compete or just not bother.. there will be ‘Land Grab’ and ‘Most Wanted’ type features similar to Red Dead Redemption but expanded.

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