Monday 16 September 2013

Baby Monitor 3G Turns iPad or iPhone Into Baby Monitor

Baby Monitor 3G turns any pair of iOS devices or an iOS device and a Mac into a baby monitor. The app will let parents see the video and hear audio of their baby when they set up an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad near the baby’s crib or play pen.
The app works when a parent installs the app from the App Store ($3.99) on two iOS devices, or one iOS device and a Mac, from the Mac App Store ($4.99 but not yet available in US). Fire up the app on the iOS device and place it near the crib or play pen. The app uses the camera and mic on the device and sends that over the local network to the other device or Mac.

The app will sense when the baby moves and makes noise and send a notification to the other device so a parent will know if their baby woke up, started crying for some reason or just wants mommy or daddy. They can try to sooth the child by talking into the monitoring device which will then stream the audio to the device set up in near the baby.
baby monitor 3g app
Baby Monitor 3G turns an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch into a video/audio baby monitor.
When the parent leaves the baby with the baby sitter or grandparents, they can take their device to work or on a date and get images sent over the Internet. The app doesn’t stream video unless both devices are connected to a local network.
baby monitor 3g on iPhone
Baby Monitor 3G uses the motion sensing features of the iPhone to tell when the baby starts moving and sends a notification to the other device.
The app uses the phone’s motion sensing capability to tell that the baby started moving. This triggers the notification sent to the other device so the parent can check if the baby woke up or just rolled over.

The Mac version will come soon according to a YouTube video the makers posted.

The two apps add up to $9 for both the iOS device and the Mac app. Before potential buyers get upset about the price, realize that this costs much less than a typical baby monitor, which sell for as low as $20-$30 for audio only and over $100 for video.
We don’t expect many will use this full time, since it takes up an iOS device making it unusable for other purposes while the parent aims it at the baby all the time. Even a used iPod Touch costs more than most high-end baby monitors. However, the app makes a great solution for a travel monitor, asNatalie Morris suggested in her review for Crash Test Moms.

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