Wednesday 3 July 2013

How to Share Full-Size Photos on Instagram Without Cropping on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Uploading certain pictures to Instagram can be problematic, especially when the dimensions of your picture exceed the dimensions of the square crop that's forced upon you.
Why should I be forced to hack up my awesome fisheye picture inside of a lame square? I get the whole square thing, and I love it, but there's just some times when you can't be bound by the rules.

How to Make the Square Work for You

Square, a new photo editing app from Android developer Sergio Otro, allows you to add a border around your picture, thus allowing you to upload an entire picture to Instagram—without having to crop any of it.
Of course, there are other apps out there that do this, like Crop n' Square and NoCrop (which also has an iOS app), but this is the most intuitive workflow I've seen yet.
Once you select a photograph to open in #Square, you can change the color of the border, rotate the picture, and crop it into the Instagram-friendly square we've all come to love and hate. From there, you can send it directly to Instagram by tapping on the Instagram icon at the top, or you can share it to your gallery, email, or other apps like Twitter and Facebook.
Once you choose the quality of the picture and send it to Instagram, you can then throw a sexy filter on it and upload it as you would any other picture. Only difference is, your beautifully majestic picture is now fully in view.
The application is said to have guarantied Nexus support, which means it will perform the best on devices such as the Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7, and Nexus 10. I used it on my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and #Square worked perfect, so test it out with your device and let us know how it went!

Is Your Site Mobile Friendly? Google Can Tell You

According to one statistic, half of all local searches are performed on a mobile device.  With more people accessing websites using their smartphones, making sure you website is readable on a phone is not something you can ignore. Load times, readability and images often render differently on a smaller screen.  If a website is less functional when viewed on a phone versus a regular PC or laptop, many mobile users will simply leave a site.
SmallBizTrends GoMo
Now Google wants to help make sure your website is mobile friendly. Its GoMo site, launched last November, lets you test the functionality of your website on a mobile device. The site uses a tool called GoMoMeter, created by Mullen Advertising, and powered by Keynote Systems‘ MITE product, which allows users to see what their websites would look like on a mobile device. It also provides tips for improving mobile readiness of your site, as well as resources for building the mobile version of your website.
Why Being Mobile Friendly Matters
According to Google, 60% of users expect a mobile site to load in three seconds or less. More than half of users wouldn’t recommend a business with a bad mobile site. So even if you don’t think you need a mobile version of your site, you could, in fact, be losing customers without one.
According to Nisheeth Mohan of Keynote systems, mobile users will be spending even more time browsing the mobile Web in 2012.  ”Consumers are beginning to expect a desktop experience with their mobile devices,” he said, “With increased spending for mobile advertisements and marketing as well as the use of mobile for commerce, businesses must be mobile ready to leverage mobile to reach existing and new customers. Optimized mobile websites will be critical components in driving revenue How the GOMO Meter Works
You go to the site, enter your URL, and the GoMoMeter will display what your site looks like on a mobile device. Answer a few questions about readability and whether you could click the links with a thumb, and you’re taken to a page that gives you your page’s loading speed,  info on images displaying correctly and text size. You’re given the option to download a free customized report with suggestions for improving your site’s mobile functionality.
Here are a few general tips from Google for making sure your site functions well on a mobile phone:
  • Keep loading times fast
  • Simplify navigation
  • Be “thumb friendly”
  • Design for visibility
To test your site’s mobile friendliness, visit GoMo.

How To Set Up A Google Store In Minutes

Google released yet another gadget that may win them friends with small business owners. It’s called the Google Checkout store gadget and it essentially allows you to use Google Checkout and Google Docs to to easily create your own online store in a matter of minutes. What makes the gadget especially interesting is that because it’s tied to a Google Docs spreadsheet, small business owners can keep product inventory without having to use another third-party program like Quickbooks. Something many of us can probably appreciate.
To install the gadget on your site or blog, Google outlines three simple steps.
1. Sign up for a Google Checkout seller account.
Checkout will process your orders and help you attract new leads, convert more sales, and enjoy advanced fraud protection.
2. List the products you want to sell in a Google Docs spreadsheet.
You’ll just need to create a copy of our template spreadsheet, and then replace the sample inventory with your own.
3. Place the Google Checkout store gadget on your website.
You can embed your online store anywhere you’d like — on Google Sites, Blogger, or your personal website.
And that’s it. Three steps and you literally have your own online store set up and ready to go.
This is really a great new gadget from Google, especially if you’re one of the many aspiring merchants or SMB owners who were intimidated by the thought of creating your own e-commerce store. Now, you don’t have to be. Thanks to Google, you don’t have to worry about hosting, dealing with the technical elements of setting it up, matching inventory, receiving payments, etc. They’re taking care of that for you and helping to make the process as painless as they can.
What I really like is how much this lowers the bar to entry for merchants to start up. There are so many people out there who have a blog and perhaps wouldn’t have thought it “realistic’ to attach a store to it. Now they can. Even if you don’t have a huge lot of inventory, but just want to sell a handful of homemade goods. A process like this makes it easy enough for you to do that.
I don’t think you can call the new Google gadget a PayPal killer any time soon, but if you’re looking to get an online store up and running quickly, this may be a good way for you to go. The gadget goes what Google does best — simplifies Web activities so that even us regular people can take advantage of them.
Do practice some caution, though. The gadget is still in beta so we don’t fully know what Google plans to do with it. You don’t want to launch a huge online store, only to have Google decide to take it down or make adjustments to it without telling you. Still, I think it’s worth experimenting with, especially if you’re simply looking for a quick way to get started in the world of e-commerce.
What do you think? Will you use the gadget to attach an online store to your Web site or blog?

4 Ways To Fairly Use Other People’s Content

1. Simplify It
If Apple were to announce today that the new iPhone would only come in the color lime green, do you know what would happen? We’d be inundated with blog posts written by all the greatest tech pundits about what the announcement meant. There would be posts about why that color was chosen and its significance, what such a color means to smart phone manufacturing, the history of the iPhone, and whether or not it was just another ploy from Apple, etc.
Pretty soon TechMeme would be filled with 500 blog+ posts all adding their own commentary to the same three details released. It would be a mad house. We know this because it happens every week in the tech sphere.
And I bet it happens in your corner of the world, too. Maybe a new law has been enacted that will change how your industry operates. Or a competitor has been outed for some controversial practices. Instead of being another voice in a sea of confusion, do your audience a service by breaking down what’s already out there, explaining what it means, and showing them how to find more information on the topic.
Help them understand what everyone else is saying in their posts and you’ll make your blog the one they trust and refer to.
2. Offer Round Ups
Don’t have time to whip out a blog post or a new article? Use content from the Web to offer a round up instead. Maybe it’s a roundup of news related to your niche, maybe it’s the ten best posts you’ve read about X or maybe it’s a list of fun things you simply want to share with your audience.
Either way, it allows you to share content without the burden of having to write it from scratch. It also encourages you to step outside your site and recognize others who are doing and saying great things. This makes your site more interesting to your readers, while also helping you to establish relationships with related bloggers for use in the future.
3. Use it For Commentary
One of the most difficult aspects of keeping fresh content on your site is that it’s pretty easy to run out of things to talk about. By aggregating content that others share on their blogs it provides new talking points on your own site. Maybe you agree with Joe X’s opinion on how women are treated in your industry. Or maybe you disagree with Jane Y about a new way to market your business online.
By keeping up to date and sharing what others are saying, it creates a new platform for you to express yourself.
And don’t go crazy thinking you need to write 400 words about a topic – you don’t. Just share the link that caught your eye, summarize the person’s point, and then agree or disagree with what they had to say. By sharing the content it gives you something easy to talk about and by adding your own insight to the mix you establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

4. Curate It
All content moves fast, but it moves even faster in social media. How many tweets go by about a certain topic on any given day? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? If you can find a way to curate that content for your audience and make it more accessible you’re going to be providing them an enormous amount of value. And you’re going to do with without ever having to write something yourself.
There are tools out there dedicated to helping you become known as a great resource by making it easy to curate and share the information passed through social media channels. For example, Storify lets you tell stories by aggregating content from sources like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc, and put all of that related content into one stream, which can then be embedded onto your Web site.  Or you can use a site like Scoop.It to aggregate content from others in a magazine-type format and direct users there.
We’re all on the hunt for fresh content on our sites, blogs and in our newsletters. But that doesn’t mean we need to recreate the wheel each time we head to the keyboard. By finding ways to leverage and profit off content that others have already shared, it allows you to establish yourself as a resource, start new conversations, and act as a filter between your customer and the larger Web.

3 Things Small Businesses Can Learn From Google Product Failures

People tend to give Google a hard time for trying out so many different products – many of which eventually go to the chopping block. Google Reader is the latest product to be discontinued, leaving many marketers scrambling to find an alternative RSS reader.
We complain when a product we’ve grown attached to gets retired, and we’ve even laughed at some of Google’s previous attempts at social media. (Remember Google Buzz? There’s not much to remember.) But the truth is, failure is crucial to the success of all companies, big and small. Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is famous for saying “We celebrate our failures.”  Below are three reasons why your small business should celebrate them too.

What You Can Learn From Google Product Failures

1. Companies Should Focus on What They Do Best

You can’t please all of the people all of the time, and in business, you simply can’t try to do everything. Having too many products in your pipeline is a distraction from your core purpose.
If you can’t explain what your company does in one sentence, you may be trying to do too much. Customers tend to love companies that do one thing – extremely well. Once you’ve figured out what that one thing is, you should put all your focus on that single vision. Because it will probably take everything you’ve got to make it succeed.
When I founded WordStream, the company vision wasn’t clear. People weren’t sure exactly what my product did. That was a failure on my part; I wasn’t communicating the value. So we did an exercise to refine and define our core purpose and values as a company. This helped clarify what really makes us stand out in the market, which in turn helps the leadership team focus on what really matters.

2. Shutting Down Less Successful Efforts Frees Up Resources

A side effect of focusing your product stack or reining in your service offerings is that you free up resources to put back into your core product.
For a tech company, this means that development and engineering resources can focus their valuable time where it really counts. This is also true for any kind of small business you might run. You have limited staff and a finite number of hours in the day. So it’s imperative that everyone you hire is able to put their time and effort into projects that will contribute to your bottom line.
I used to actively market and sell a Keyword Research Suite – a set of keyword tools at a much lower price point than our main PPC management platform. Remember when I said you can’t please everybody? That’s exactly what I was trying to do. I wanted to have a product offering for businesses that either weren’t doing PPC or that couldn’t afford PPC software. But in the end, it was a distraction from our core purpose and it was eating up our valuable development resources. So today, it’s no longer our focus and it’s one of the best decisions we’ve ever made.

3. Failure Is a Learning Opportunity

It’s easy to lose perspective when you’re running a small business. Believe me, I know. Some days I feel like a million dollars and other days I feel I owe millions of dollars. But I think the beautiful thing about small, periodic failures is that they provide valuable learning opportunities which in turn is one of the most exciting aspect of running your own business and motivates me to do better next time.
Google tries and fails at many things and it’s helped them get where they are today. If they were afraid to try and fail, we wouldn’t have Gmail or Google Maps. But, of course, not every Google venture worked out that well. Below, I celebrate some of the many Google products and services that eventually had to die to make way for other technologies.

infographic google graveyard


Don’t Expect an iPhone 6 In Place of the iPhone 5S

The iPhone 6 is more popular in the minds of consumers than the iPhone 5S, creating a whirlwind of reports about how Apple could jump straight to an iPhone 6, leaving the iPhone 5S name to collect dust like the iPhone HD and other rumored iPhone models.
While there was some expectation of the iPhone 5 in 2011 when Apple announced the iPhone 4S, it was not as great as we are seeing this year, as many publications claim Apple could deliver the iPhone 6 in 2013. We’ve even seen the rumored budget iPhone pegged with the iPhone 6 name and talk of the iPhone 6 arriving in place of the iPhone 5S.
Yes, we’ve called for Apple to jump straight to the iPhone 6 release, but that’s a call for features and form, not just for a iPhone 5 shell that sits in a window labeled iPhone 6.
Don't expect an iPhone 6 with a larger screen, like the current android competition, and a new design in 2013. And definitely don't expect a cheap iPhone with the iPhone 6 name.
Don’t expect an iPhone 6 with a larger screen, like the current android competition, and a new design in 2013. And definitely don’t expect a cheap iPhone with the iPhone 6 name.
The iPhone 6, a completely new look for the iPhone that is tied into the features and future of Apple shown in iOS 7 is not something we will see in 2013. Leaks, analysts and logic all point to an iPhone 5S this year and a new iPhone 6 in 2014,
Here are the reasons iPhone shoppers should keep their expectations in check and look for an iPhone 5S this year rather than an iPhone 6, no matter how many news stories claim Apple is planning to push the iPhone 5S aside.

Leaks, Leaks and More Leaks

There are already a large number of iPhone 5S leaks that show an iPhone with a nearly identical design to the iPhone 5. In June we saw leaks of an iPhone that is possibly an iPhone 5S with a complete back, logic board and battery. While this device looks like the iPhone 5, it is clearly not the same iPhone that i son store shelves right now.

The various leaked iPhone parts highlight a similar design to the iPhone 5, a case maker iPhone 5S blueprint shows an iPhone that looks like the current model, but with a new dual LED flash.
In short, all the substantial and credible leaks point to an iPhone 5S with a similar design to the iPhone 5 coming late this year.

The iPhone 5S Problem is Great

The iPhone 5S isn't a problem for Apple. By offering a minor release every two years, consumers get more enjoyment from their purchases, even if it is partially psychological.
The iPhone 5S isn’t a problem for Apple. By offering a minor release every two years, consumers get more enjoyment from their purchases, even if it is partly psychological.
There is a lot of talk about how releasing a big iPhone update on a single number and a small one on an “S” release is a problem for Apple, but it’s actually a great problem. While many consumers are left wishing they had a new Android phone months after buying the latest and greatest, Apple’s limited choice and limited release cycle helps keep customers happier longer.

This year is a great example, and Apple is already putting the marketing machine into gear. Apple counts on amazing software to fill the gap created by a new design, and at WWDC 2013 Apple called iOS 7, “The biggest change to iOS since the iPhone.” and Craig Federighi, Apple SVP of Software engineering describes the experience of upgrading to iOS 7 by saying it is, “Like getting a new phone.”

iPhone 6 is New, Not Incremental

This goes hand-in-hand with the last reason, but it’s worth calling out. The prime iPhone releases, those with just a digit, usher in a new experience and design. We’ve seen Apple deliver a higher resolution display that arguably kicked off the race for a high pixel count on mobile displays, increase screen size, add LTE and change designs on the major iPhone releases.

We expect Apple will announce an iPhone 6 with a completely new look and new features that are still making their way into other devices. In addition to a new design we could see a larger higher-resolution display, VoLTE technology that delivers better sounding calls and should let Verizon users talk and surf the web at the same time. If there is no fingerprint reader in the iPhone 5S, we could see it arrive on the iPhone 6.

Could Apple release the iPhone 6 in 2013? Of course, but if Apple does skip the iPhone 5S, don’t expect the iPhone 6 name to grace a cheap iPhone or an iPhone that looks just like the iPhone 5.
According to reports an iPhone 6 prototype includes a larger higher-resolution display and no home button, which is the source of inspiration behind many iPhone 6 concepts. Couple this with multiple analyst reports of an iPhone 6 in 2014 and the likelihood of an iPhone 6 release in 2013 is almost non-existent.

Camera360 App for Windows Phone Will be Getting Audio Camera feature

Camera360 is a world-famous cross-platform camera app with more than 100 million users on iOS and Android.
The app arrived on Windows Phone in April, and recently added an Audio Camera feature, which captures 5 seconds of audio with every picture to their iOS and Android apps.
Windows Phone site WP-Hub asked the PinGuo when they will be adding the same features to Windows Phone and received an encouraging response.
Kerry Sun,Public Relations Manager of PinGuo  said:
“The Audio Camera for Windows Phone will be on hand in September if everything goes well.”
Its great to see a company not only port a popular app but also actively support and update it, which is more than can be said of apps like Facebook and twitter for many years.

Camera360 is free, Windows Phone 8 only and can be found in the Windows Phone Store 

The Adorable Bugdroid Portable Speaker Is Back, $20 And Free Shipping From Newegg

The bugdroid speaker is back on sale. This thing is so darn adorable it doesn't even matter there are better quality speakers out there. The speaker is shaped like our favorite OS personified, and it plays music. What more do you want?
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The Accessory Power GOgroove Pal Bot (as it's more properly known) has 8 watts of peak output and an 850mAh lithium-ion battery good for 6 hours of tunes on the go. It has a built-in 3.5mm stereo cable to plug in – no Bluetooth for this little bot. Also, LED light-up eyes. It has pretty solid reviews, in part thanks to the distressing level of adorable.
Newegg is selling the bugdroid speaker for $20 and offers free shipping on orders, though it's the slow 4-7 day option. Can you wait that long for this cute little guy? You'll have to try. It's currently going for $5 more on Amazon.
[Newegg – Thanks, Franco Colomba]

EE Cash on Tap brings SIM-based mobile payments through MasterCard

EE today announced Cash on Tap, a mobile payments service in collaboration with MasterCard. The new service will enable mobile payments of amounts up to £20 from a compatible EE handsets.
EE says the handset has to have been bought through EE retail channels and at launch includes the Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE and Sony Xperia SP, with further device support to be added in the next few months.
You'll be able to pay at more than 230,000 outlets in the UK, with locations like McDonald's, Boots and Greggs accepting Cash on Tap. That means you'll be able to pay for your Fajita Chicken Lattice with your phone.
EE's Cash on Tap system is SIM-based, meaning you'll be able to use the service whether your phone is on or off. The EE Tap Wallet app will be a free download from Google Play and be used to manage your account, although you'll also be able access your account online.
As an incentive to get you started, EE is offering £10 of free credit to customers using the service. You'll get the first £5 when you activate Cash on Tap and an additional £5 when you top-up cash to the service from a UK credit or debit card.
The service should operate exactly as current touch payment services do, like those offered with a Barclays debit card. In this instance, however, the service is managed through EE and will need you to pay into, rather than drawing straight from your bank account.
EE says that Cash on Tap is the first of a number of mobile payment offerings that will be coming, with tickets and loyalty cards being mentioned at the launch of the service today.

Real Racing 3 update is a game changer, prestige cars just sweeten the deal

We've long been fans of Real Racing 3. Since the launch of Firemonkeys' premium racing title, we've been putting in the hours, spending more time in this game than perhaps any other previously.
article-titleThere have been several updates to the title, which is part of the reason it's remained fresh, but this most recent, hiding under the banner of adding prestige cars from Mercedes-Benz and Bentley, is the largest update yet: literally a game changer.
There are new races, new cars, but more importantly, a redesign to the game's interface that makes the progressive nature of the levels more apparent. The newsfeed-style vertical listing has changed to horizontal, the cups you've won in races are better depicted and there's a change to the way you progress through things. Since the update, we've been back to improve old races, because the interface makes it easier to see where you can improve.
There has been a tweak to servicing and damage too. Whereas previously you'd arrive at the end of a race and have to part with R$ to repair the damage you'd incurred, now there's a clean racing bonus: complete a race without smashing your car up and you'll be rewarded for it.
On the servicing front, you now have a single bar that degrades to tell you when you need to service the car. Rather than being able to select just the tyres or suspension, for example, it's all rolled together. Unfortunately, that means that by the time you absolutely have to service your car, you're going to hit the full wait, perhaps of a couple of hours.
In that sense, some of the factors that some gamers didn't like, still persist. There's still the hybrid system of using R$ to buy and repair cars, and gold is needed to make some of the final updates to cars, which we think is a little unfair, as gold takes a long time to accrue.
What irks more is that in some cases you'll need a lot of gold to buy some of the best cars. It seems almost impossible to win that amount through sheer gameplay, so it feels as though getting the Porsche 918 RAR Concept (at 150 gold) is impossible without buying the gold with real cash, which would cost you £13.99.

There's now a repeat play bonus, so you'll earn more if you play on consecutive days. But there's also another currency in Real Racing 3 called Drive.
With the introduction of new time trial races, which is a great way to directly compete against friends' lap times, you have to have to have Drive points to compete. That's to stop you just doing time trials all the time. The initial maximum is set at two Drive points, meaning you can only do two time trials before having to wait to accrue more Drive.
You can buy it with gold, as well as increase the maximum Drive points you can have with a big hit of gold, but again, that plays into the hands of the freemium critics: time trial is a great new feature but the limitations puts something of a stranglehold on it.
That aside, we love the additions. Real Racing 3 remains one of our favourite titles, but now feels like it guides you into doing what the developers originally intended - and that's racing in lots of different cars, in lots of different events, rather than just trying to follow one single line.
At the same time, those who criticised the freemium approach won't be appeased. For us that's not been a problem, it just means you have to put in more time and accumulate more trophies to get the most out of the game without spending any real money.

HTC One S Denied the Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean Update, No Word About the One X

The HTC One S was the company’s mid-range smartphone of the 2012 line-up, placed in terms of technical specifications right HTC One x flagship. When you purchase a mid-range smartphone, besides decent technical specifications, you also expect it to stay competitive for at least two years and receive software support for at least one year.
Well, it seems that it’s not the case with the HTC One S which “will not receive further Android OS updates and will remain on the current version of Android and HTC Sense.” This translates into HTC One S will not be updated to Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. This news will definitely disappoint all the HTC One S owners, a smartphone that is only a year old and that will now be stuck on Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean with Sense 4+ UI.
Personally, I see no reason why the HTC One S shouldn’t receive the Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update. It’s hardware platform is more than sufficient to run the latest Android version while bringing the Blink Feed and other HTC One-specific features on the HTC One S will definitely please your customers and give you positive PR. I guess HTC is not that much into PR, and this might be a reason why the company is struggling on a very competitive smartphone market.
Just to prove you what a shame it is that the HTC One S will not be updated to Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean, I will remind you about the smartphone’s technical specifications. The mid-ranger comes with a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 540 x 960 pixels and Gorilla Glass protection, while being underpinned by Qualcomm’s popular dual-core solution, the Snapdragon S4 chipset based on two Krait cores clocked at 1.5 GHz and Adreno 225 GPU.
The HTC One S also comes with 1 GB of RAM, 16 GB of internal storage, and a body design that would make most of the high-end smartphones blush. On the back of the HTC One S there’s an 8 megapixel camera with autofocus, LED flash, simultaneous HD video and image recording, geo-tagging, face and smile detection, and support for recording full HD videos at 30fps. The front-facing camera has a VGA sensor, which makes it a pretty decent tool for video calls.
In terms of connectivity, the HTC One S comes with HSDPA, 42 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, DLNA, Wi-Fi hotspot, Bluetooth 4.0, microUSB 2.0, and GPS module.
The HTC One S is 130.9 mm tall, 65 mm wide, and 7.8 mm thin, while weighing only 199.5 grams. All these hardware components are powered by a non-removable Li-Po 1650 mAh battery, which is capable of getting the HTC One S through a full day of moderate usage.
As you can see for yourself the technical specifications of the HTC One S are more than enough to support the Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update, but, for some reason the Taiwanese company decided that the One S should be left behind. In fact, the only major firmware update received by the HTC One S was the jump from Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (which comes pre-loaded on the terminal) to Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean.
The Taiwan-based phone maker didn’t mention anything about the HTC One X in the press statement, but, hopefully, the 2012 HTC flagship will not receive the same treatment as the One S.
Are you upset that the HTC One S will not be updated to Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with 3 GB and slim design

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with case leakedThe Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and get the LG G2 have 3 GB of RAM (memory).Initially it was thought that only the LTE Advanced version would have, over 3 GB but according to a report published today will also be available. European variant on the number of memory Furthermore, the Galaxy Note 3 have a very slim design of only 8 millimeters thick.
In the intro I have two versions, one with LTE Advanced support and one without. The latter is intended for the U.S. and European market and will probably go run on the 800 Snapdragon processor from Qualcomm. The LTE-A version will be equipped with Samsung's own Exynos 5420 processor.
An extra GB of RAM will multitask mainly benefit and will also be the overall speed of the device in use noticeably improved. The current generation smarthphones - like the Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One - have 2 GB of RAM.
via )

Coming HTC One Max confirmed, in silver

Just a sheet leaked from a German provider where the name of the HTC One Max is on to find. According to this information, the HTC phablet be released. Only in silver It is also more or less confirmed that the naming of the 5.9 inch size smartphone the One Max is going to be, as was expected.
HTC One Max naming confirmed
In addition, the sheet shows that the HTC One Mini in black and silver will be released, what all is no surprise, since both versions are already captured on film. The mini version of the HTC One will be released. during the third quarter of this year
Finally, there are two notable names found on the list of the German provider under the head back, Nokia. Namely two unknown devices named Eros and Mars. Since these two devices enclosed in quotes I suspect that the source itself does not know the real name and that this is so even code names. Same as the EOS which showed that retail name the later Nokia Lumia 1020 is going to be.
via )

Facebook Mobile app security flaw takes your mobile number

Facebook is one of the most popular social network and thriving to get its strong foothold on the mobile platform. The latest version of the Facebook mobile app for Android brings several goodies packed with the native code. Norton Security Blog carried a post stating that the Facebook Mobile has been flagged for leaking the device's phone number.
Facebook app for the Android does not really ask for a user's mobile number but simply provides the option to login using that. While majority of careful users are actually unaware of what the app actually does in the background.
Facebook Mobile app
The Facebook mobile app for Android when installed and loaded, it takes the device's phone number and sends it to the Facebook servers. This happens even before the user logs in or feeds in user details. Not only that, the user need not have a Facebook account and still the application takes the device number send it to the Facebook server.
Facebook Mobile app
This activity was discovered by Norton Mobile Security app that incorporates the Norton Mobile Insight technology to detect this behaviour. Norton informed Facebook about this behaviour. In return, Facebook has investigated the issue and promised to release an update for the app. The social network claimed of erasing all the numbers from its servers.
Facebook is one of the apps that shows such behaviour of taking user detail in the background and passing it on the server.

Two New Battlefield 4 Screenshots Revealed, Show Collapsing Tower

EA and DICE has released two brand new Battlefield 4 screenshts. The first one is from Battlefield 4 multiplayer section showing multiplayer map Siege of Shanghai and its main feature collapsing tower.

DICE has already confirmed that in order to collapse a tower in Battlefield 4, players will have to destory four supporting columns inside. The second screenshot is from Battlefield 4's single-player section (from gameplay mission that was showcased during E3 2013 presentation).


List of Free PS4 Games

They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more. The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you.

Blacklight: Retribution
Backlight: Retribution
Wage war with advanced weapons and technology in Blacklight: Retribution, a free-to-play, futuristic first-person shooter. Deploy devastating armored exoskeletons and utilize lethal hand-held weapons in vicious competitive modes. The Hardsuit is the ultimate weapon. Powerful but slow, this armored suit packs a one-shot, one-kill railgun and a high velocity minigun to clear rooms… fast.

Planetside 2
PlanetSide 2
Across the continents of Auraxis, thousands of players will come together in enormous battles to win control of territory and resources for their empire in PlanetSide 2. This sequel takes all the groundbreaking features from the original massive multiplayer battles, distinctive empires to rally around, and enormous continents to support intense ground and air combat and adds features that modern gamers have come to expect out of the FPS and MMO genres.

DC Universe Online
DC Universe Online
A massively-multiplayer experience, DC Universe Online brings high-energy action to the forefront with a combat system designed to deliver a fast-paced action experience with the extraordinary powers of your personally created heroes and villains at your disposal. Battle with or against their favorite DC Super Heroes and Villains including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and The Joker. For the very first time, players and fans will be able to enter this fabled world as an active force for good or evil.

War Thunder
War Thunder
Bringing the hit military MMO franchise to consoles for the first time, War Thunder provides players with unparalleled first person gameplay entertainment experiences that allows them to enter into action filled, highly explosive World War II battles from the air, mobilized on the ground or out at sea.

PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection:

In the remote mountains of Colorado, horrors wait inside Mount Massive Asylum. A long-abandoned home for the mentally ill, recently re-opened by the “research and charity” branch of the transnational Murkoff Corporation, has been operating in strict secrecy… until now.

Acting on a tip from an inside source, independent journalist Miles Upshur breaks into the facility, and what he discovers walks a terrifying line being science and religion, nature and something else entirely. Once inside, his only hope of escape lies with the terrible truth at the heart of Mount Massive.

DriveClub Screen
Driveclub is a next generation, socially connected racing game that captures the heart and soul of car culture and the passion it creates. Driveclub is a game to play in real clubs. It’s about friendships and rivalries and team-based racing, together in the world’s best supercars on the world’s most breath-taking roads – all rendered in cutting edge next generation graphics.

Don’t Starve
Don't Starve
You play as Wilson, an intrepid Gentleman Scientist who has been trapped by a demon and transported to a mysterious wilderness world. Living in a randomly generated world, Wilson must learn to exploit his environment and its inhabitants if he ever hopes to escape.

Secret Ponchos
Secret Ponchos
Secret Ponchos is a Western shooter by Switchblade Monkeys. The premise of the game is “What’s Your Head Worth?”. Players create an outlaw (a persistent character) and enter the town of Lonetree – where they instantly have a bounty on their head. Players then engage in battle against others, battles where one will stand and one will fall.