Saturday 6 July 2013

Yahoo Finally Announces Astrid's Fate – Closing Down August 5, 2013

Fans of the task management service Astrid were understandably concerned when Yahoo acquired the company back in May. Now their worst fears have been realized. Astrid is shutting down on August 5th of this year. That gives you less than a month to get your data out.
astrid 2
Astrid users can grab a backup of their task data by heading to a special data export page. With the backup in hand, you can migrate fairly painlessly to suggested services like WrikeWunderlist,Sandglaz, and Wunderlist and are by far the more popular options on Android (Sandglaz is a web app only). Most of the linked services have a landing page that will accept your Astrid data. The migration process with is automated and can be handled through the app itself.
Yahoo's plans for the Astrid team are not clear, but it doesn't involve the current Astrid app and service. It's a bummer, but at least we know now. The Astrid app has been downloaded about 4 million times, so there could be a lot of unhappy campers come August 5th. Full statement is below.
Astrid Winding Down
First off, we want to sincerely thank you for being an Astrid user over the years. Your support every step of the way has meant the world to us. As of August 5, 2013, we will be closing the Astrid service.
We know that a transition can be tough, but we want to make it as easy as possible for you. Please go to this link: to download your data.
Once you have your data, we recommend you check out one of these applications. They will allow you to easily import your data, so you can pick up where you left off: Wrike, Wunderlist, Sandglaz, and
When we built Astrid, we sought to help as many people as possible become happier, healthier and more productive – and we certainly hope we helped you. Thank you again for your support.
Best regards,
Jon Paris & the Astrid Team

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