Friday 21 June 2013

Thief will release on next-gen

A Thief reboot has been a long time coming for fans and gamers alike and Eidos Montreal are proud to announce the game will be released on Xbox 360 / PS3 and simultaneously on next-gen consoles (PS4 and Xbox One). The company have been working on the game for two years and going to make sure as many people get a chance to play it…unless you own a Wii U.

thief-1While the game isn’t slated for release until 2014, Eidos is also concurrently working on new content for the current-gen games and upgrading the graphics technology for next-gen.
Thief will also be released on PC and might look visually better than its console counterparts.  .
“It was really, really important for us — before coming to announce it — to make sure that the core mechanic, the fun factor, we will not touch that,” said Thief’s Senior Producer Stephane Roy.
According to Roy, the stealth game play will be the same across all platforms, but the studio is currently allocating development resources differently for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, while the next-gen versions will be worked on by different parts of Eidos.
via Polygon

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