Friday 21 June 2013

WhatApp crosses 250 million monthly users, leaves Twitter behind

WhatsAppWhatsApp crosses 250 million monthly users, that’s a cool 50 million users more than TwitterWhatsApp CEO Jan Koum announced on Thursday that their popular messaging service, available across almost every mobile platform (you name it), has crossed the 250 million monthly users milestone. This is indeed a huge achievement for an app that has been around for just 4 years. Koum was quick to add that WhatsApp now boasts a larger user base than popular short message casting service Twitter, which only has about 200 million users.While WhatsApp still has a long way to go to match up to the huge user base enjoyed by the likes of Facebook, 250 million is nothing to scoff at. With the app hitting a peak 25 billion messages sent/received in a span of 24 hours a couple of days ago, the only way to go for WhatsApp is forward. Add to that the growing trend (now in developing countries) of moving away from SMS and being entirely reliant on internet messaging services, the app will only continue to grow at the same pace.Source: WSJ

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