Thursday 18 July 2013

35% of expanding mobile developers intend to expand to Windows Phone, says survey

Venturebeat reports on a large 6000 developer survey by VisionMobile which shows a significant chunk of mobile developers  intend to add Windows Phone to their repertoire.
The survey found 21% of developers were already using Windows Phone, and an additional 35% of those expanding to new platforms (around 60%) intend to start development on the OS.
The survey also found Windows Phone developers made  a healthy chunk of change, at $3,600 per month, or around 70% of the revenue developers make from their iOS apps ($5,200 per month) or  76.5% of Android revenue. Developers on average supported 2.9 platforms each, meaning not porting your app to Windows Phone may mean leaving quite a bit of money on the table.
Blackberry on the other hand seemed hardly worth the effort, generating only $1,200 per month or 23% of an iPhone app.
Interestingly most Windows Phone developers were not Windows Phone users, which I think suggests the earlier message has already been realized by developers – Once you have created your apps for iOS or Android you might as well port it to Windows Phone too, and cast your revenue net even wider.
This compared to more that 50% of Blackberry 10 developers using Blackberry as either their primary or secondary platform, indicating a more ideological basis to their support.
The full reports is free to download here.

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