Thursday 18 July 2013

Version 2.0 of Battery is out!

When the first version of Battery landed in the Windows Phone marketplace, it instantly became a total hit. Step by step it conquered #4 in “best rated” and #9 in “top free” for “Tools & Productivity” category in USA. Today, 420 000 downloads and 14 000 ratingslater, version 2.0 is out!

Among other improvements and fixes, the new version of Battery introduces the long-awaited statistics feature (screenshots above). You can now see in a convenient way how your battery performs, what are your battery-draining habits and everything else you might want to analyse.
You can browse aggregated statistics by month, week or day. Charts are also available and for those of you who want all the information, raw log of all recorded battery events is also provided. Furthermore, Battery shows what percent of the time you are using certain feature, for example it can tell you what percent of the time you have your location service on.
During those five months since the first release of Battery, the list of supported features has grown enormously. Today Battery is probably the most feature-full battery app for Windows Phone. Take a look for yourself:
General features:
  • shows current battery charge percent
  • shows remaining time until power off
  • shows remaining time until battery is fully charged (when the phone is connected to external power source)
  • shows phone connectivity status (WiFi, Bluetooth, Location, Data connection, Airplane mode)
  • shortcuts to connectivity settings
  • magnificent live tile
  • lock screen integration
  • exceptional Modern (Metro) design
Notification features:
  • notification when the battery is low
  • notification when the battery is discharging quickly
  • notification when the battery is fully charged
  • enable/disable each separate notification
  • disable notifications at night
Live tile features:
  • background color based on the current charge percent
  • icon color based on the current charge percent
  • shows the current battery charge percent
  • shows the remaining time until power off
  • shows the remaining time to full battery charge
  • small tile support
  • wide tile support
Statistics features
  • Monthly, weekly and daily statistics
  • Charts
  • Raw battery event log
An impressive list, right? But that’s not all. More features are coming soon, so stay tuned!

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