Wednesday 10 July 2013

LG Optimus G2 flagship spotted a month prior to official launch

LG’s Optimus G2, the company’s next flagship, has had a hard time staying out of the news. A new set of leaked images, as well as a video was spotted online late last night, nearly a month ahead of their 7th August launch event.
LG Optimus G2 full leak (1)
While there’s still a full month left until LG officially unveils its Optimus G successor and the new 2013 flagship Smartphone, leaks online have been wrecking all their plans as the fresh set of images left by an anonymous tipster yesterday exposed the phone, in all its glory. The photos that you’re about to see are of the Spring LG Optimus G2 running on Android 4.2.2 with, of course, LG’s own UI skin on top.
The phone looks… Beautiful. A smooth back cover with a camera bump, beautiful front view with extremely thin bezels, and a glimpse of the new LG UI. To be honest, those are some seriously tiny bezels, no doubt used to keep the phone size in check while packing a slightly larger 5.2-inch display, instead of the usual 5-inch ones. The volume rocker buttons placed near the camera can clearly be seen in the leaked images. LG is said to have put the powerful Snapdragon 800 beast at the heart of their next flagship phone.
In case a set of images doesn’t satiate your hunger, ’4Leakz’ has posted a full video that shows off the LG Optimus G2 in action. Reminiscent of the Nexus 4, the large phone reportedly feels very comfortable to hold and use.

Source: Engadget

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