Tuesday 2 July 2013

iOS 7 jailbroken

iOS 7 jailbroken well before it's necessary
Look, we love jailbreaking and rooting as much as anyone; and, we know that when a new product comes out, the mod community is going to go after it and see if it can't be broken. It's all part of the game. The trouble is that another big part of the game is that Apple will continuously close any holes that allow for jailbreaking its products. So, the fact that iOS 7 has already been jailbroken isn't necessarily the best news, luckily the jailbreaker seems to know that.

iOS 7 jailbroken well before it's necessary
The thing is that while it's good news for the few adventurous souls who have loaded up their devices with the iOS 7 beta who want to get some jailbreak apps, surfacing holes in iOS 7 this early on just means that jailbreaking could be even more difficult by the time we hit the full release. If the rumors are true, Apple is planning a new iOS 7 beta every two weeks, so holes could be patched very quickly, and we'll just go back and forth. On the other hand, if the exploits aren't exposed until iOS 7 is in full release, and there are more people who need/want the jailbreak, Apple's patch release cycle gets much slower. 

Luckily, Ryan Petrich seems to understand that, so as yet, he has just posted pictures proving that iOS 7 can be jailbroken, but has not yet detailed the exploits used, or even released a jailbreaking tool yet. We'll have to wait and see how this unfolds, because if Petrich releases too soon, we could see some crazy back-and-forth between Apple and the mod community with iOS 7. 

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