Tuesday 2 July 2013

Windows Phone 8 to get 1080p display support

Windows Phone 8 to get 1080p display support, more evidence surfaces
This may not be the first time we hear about Windows Phone 8 getting 1080p display support, but it is now that we get some solid evidence in support of this claim. Apparently, the Visual Studio 2013 suite, which was previewed during Microsoft's Build conference, has the option to emulate Windows Phone handsets with 1080 by 1920 pixel displays. Thus, it allows developers to see how their software runs and behaves on a WP8 smartphone with a screen of that resolution.

Windows Phone 8 will eventually support 1080p screens
Windows Phone 8 will eventually support 1080p screens
Support for resolution of 1080 by 1920 pixels is expected to be added with the GDR3 update, which would allow smartphone manufacturers to launch Windows Phone 8 smartphones with 1080p displays. You know, displays that have been present on select Android devices for nearly a year now. That software will also allow quad-core CPU Snapdragon chips to be used in WP8 gear. 

The GDR3 software update for Windows Phone 8 won't be out anytime soon, however, although it is expected to be available to manufacturers by the end of 2013. Currently it is the GDR2 software being readied for existing Windows Phone 8 gear - the same WP8 version running on the recently launched Nokia Lumia 925. 

source: Justin Angel (Twitter) via WPCentral

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