Monday 8 July 2013

Samsung and Intel reconfirm their dedication to Tizen OS

Samsung and Intel reconfirm their dedication to Tizen OS

Intel took to the airwaves to defend the Tizen mobile OS project after a blogger leaked out the whole undertaking might be in jeopardy. It refuted the claims with the following statement:

Intel is very committed to the development of Tizen. We see a unique role for Tizen in the industry to create and to grow a new, open and flexible, mobile operating system that allows developers to “write once/run on many devices”. Tizen has received broad industry support through the Tizen Association and has achieved major milestones this year including establishing the storefront, releasing the Tizen 2.1 source code, the Tizen IVI 2.0 and the Tizen 2.2 Beta SDK that was just released yesterday.

Meanwhile, Samsung also chimed in, saying that it's “actively working on Tizen eco-system together with Tizen Association members and partners,” and Intel is one of these partners, so at least two of the major players have reiterated their commitment to the alternative mobile OS project now, and we are waiting for the first handset(s) with it to hit the market.

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