Monday 8 July 2013

images of Motorola Moto X front panel leak

I must tell you, the Moto X (formerly known as Motorola X Phone) is a really intriguing device. According to what info has surfaced, Motorola (probably under Google’s influence) has abandoned the specs race and is testing the waters with something new, a new concept of a smartphone if you will – extensive customization (most probably not hardware, as initial rumors have claimed), revolutionary (or so we hope) software, a bunch of sensors and a really low price. If anybody can pull this off is Google’s Motorola.
We honestly believe that even if Moto X will arrive with “only” a dual-core Snapdragon S4 Pro clocked at 1.7 Ghz, if the manufacturer has invested time in optimizing both the hardware and the software, the end-user won’t feel too much of a difference when compared with today’s flagships. We said it before and we’ll say it again, optimization really goes a long way these days.
Anyway, we’re here today to share with you several Moto X related leaked pics, which have been shared with us during the last several days. Enjoy!
As you probably have figured out, the above leaks are not originating from the same source but it looks like they are depicting the same device.
The only thing that stands out is that the black Moto X front panel features the new Motorola logo while the white front panels seem to be blank. However, the black one is probably destined for internal testing, given the appearance of what looks like a serial number. Come to think of it, the white Moto X will probably have a black logo … or maybe even this aspect will be customizable? We’ll have to wait and see.
In other Moto X related news, rumor has it that Motorola will fully unveil the smartphone on July 11th (date also hinted by the recently surfaced Moto X ad).
What do you think of the Moto X? Promising or simply not powerful enough (if the rumors are accurate)?

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