Saturday 8 June 2013

Verizon HTC One, Galaxy S4 32GB: Details, Theories & More

There are two big name Verizon devices on the way in the form of the Verizon HTC One and the Samsung Galaxy S4 32GB. And while we know both devices are on the way, both of them unfortunately are without important details, details that have begun to frustrate those that are looking to buy these phones in the future.
After months of speculation and rumor, Verizon finally announced the HTC One back at the end of May, putting to rest any suspicions consumers may have had about the device. The device will be coming to shelves with all of the bells and whistles of the other models, or so it seems. Unfortunately, it true Verizon form, the carrier declined to offer any of the important details in regards to the HTC One, only announcing that it would be coming sometime later on this summer.
The Verizon HTC One is on the way, it's just a matter of when.
The Verizon HTC One is on the way, it’s just a matter of when.
That means specs, pricing, and more remain completely unknown and likely will remain that way until at least next week, possibly even longer.
The Verizon HTC One isn’t the only big name smartphone that will be coming to shelves in the weeks ahead either. As we exclusively reported, the Samsung Galaxy S4 32GB is going to be arriving on Verizon at some point in the future though like the HTC One, details about its arrival remain scarce and unconfirmed.
These launches have Verizon customers frustrated, confused and looking for answers and thus far, HTC, Samsung and Verizon aren’t providing any of the answers that consumers are looking for. That of course doesn’t mean that we haven’t seen any new developments since both of these devices broken cover. In fact, there are several new details that have emerged in regards to both the Galaxy S4 32GB and the Verizon HTC One.
Here, we want to take an in-depth look at the situations surrounding both the Verizon HTC One and the Samsung Galaxy S4 32GB.

Verizon Galaxy S4 32GB

The Galaxy Note 3 could feature an improved camera with a 13MP sensor like the Galaxy S4.
The Samsung Galaxy S4 32GB still hasn’t been announced.
We now know that the Verizon Galaxy S4 32GB is the real deal, confirmed by Verizon’s Chief Marketing Officer Tami Erwin in an email. That email was deemed authentic by Verizon and thus, we received exclusive confirmation of the 32GB Galaxy S4 for Verizon’s network.
Unfortunately, in the days since, Verizon hasn’t made good on its promise and has yet to officially announce the 32GB model leaving potential customers steamed.
Several prospective buyers have told Gotta Be Mobile that some Verizon representatives are indeed aware of a 32GB Galaxy S4 but they still don’t know when it might land on shelves. Others apparently have no clue.
At this point, while it seems Verizon is set on working with Samsung in an effort to offer the device, there may not be as much of a use for it in the days ahead. That’s because Samsung has issued an update to its international Galaxy S4, enabling support for applications on the microSD card slot. This should allow owners to free up more space on the internal storage and make the 16GB model a little more attractive than it was before.
Of course, there is no telling when or if Verizon might issue this update but assuming that it does, it may negate the need, at least for some, for the 32GB Galaxy S4.
At this point though, despite pleas from consumers, release date and pricing remain unknown though it’s hard to see Verizon waiting that much longer if it indeed still plans to launch.

Verizon HTC One

The HTC One could hit Verizon by the end of June.
The HTC One could hit Verizon by the end of June.
The Verizon HTC One, despite being official, continues to be a thorn in the side of consumers thanks to HTC and Verizon both refusing to comment on any specifics when it comes to its pricing and release date.
In the days since its announcement, we haven’t seen anything specific in regards to those vital pieces of information. The closest thing we’ve seen is HTC USA claim that release details would be coming soon though it refused to say how soon. Verizon has yet to issue anything specific information leaving consumers with quite a few questions about its arrival.
That doesn’t mean that we don’t have some beads on the release date. In fact, we do. We’ve heard that late June is a likely candidate for the device’s arrival and we also saw the head of HTC Russia confirm the HTC One’s Android 4.2 update for arrival in mid-June.
The Verizon HTC One is said to have Android 4.2 on board so it could be that the carrier is waiting for that update to roll out before announcing details. A mid-to-late June announcement lines up with what we’ve heard about its release date.
Not helping matters is the fact that noted HTC insider, @LLabTooFeR, recently stated that he has no information on the release date and that “anything” could happen. That could mean that a specific date is up in the air right now.
All signs though are pointing to June at this point.

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