Thursday 11 July 2013

Apple Store construction leads to 15th century ruin discovery in Spain

Apple is setting up shop in Madrid, Spain where the company is building a new 6,000 square-foot flagshipApple Store, but during construction while digging out the store’s basement, construction workers discovered remains of a piece of wall of an old hospital dating back to the 15th century.
The hospital, named the Buen Suceso hospital, was demolished in 1854 to make room for newer buildings, as was the church that stood right next to the hospital. The church’s ruins were discovered back in 2009 during the construction of the new Sol Metro and Cercanías light rail station, and Apple was actually told about the possibility of finding ruins during construction of the Apple Store.
Just like with the rail station, Apple considered to build a display case of sorts to show off the ruins to Apple customers as they walk through the store, but they eventually decided against it, saying that there wouldn’t be a lot of interest in the display. However, Apple is now considering to change the design of the store to “symbolically trace the outline” of the walls of the old hospital.
However, none of the hospital ruins will be visible, but the store could pay a quiet homage to the building that stood on that land of ground before the Apple Store. Details on this aren’t finalized as of yet.
The hospital was built in the early 15th century to treat plague victims. At that time, the hospital had 60 beds, but it went through several renovations, including one in the early 1600s. Eventually, though, it was demolished to make room for the Puerta del Sol.
VIA: 9to5Mac

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