Friday 21 June 2013

Apple uses Android-style pie charting to prove fragmentation is not an issue for iOS

Apple uses Android-style pie charting to prove fragmentation is not an issue for iOS
Remember those pie charts that Google or analytics companies use to display how the newest version of Android is advancing through the hundreds of millions of Android devices worldwide? It usually looks something like this patch work here, depicting the latest Jelly Bean market share:

Apple uses Android-style pie charting to prove fragmentation is not an issue for iOS
Apple is now doing a similar pie chart-y thingy, but it's as if to say "there's nothing to report here," as 93% of its iDevice users are updated with the newest iOS 6, and a very minor fraction is still running older versions of its mobile OS. 

"Fragmentation? What fragmentation?" might have been the working title of the chart you see on the right, which is posted at the iOS Developer Center to orient devs about the most popular version at the moment.

source: iOSDevCenter via AppleInsider

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