Friday 21 June 2013

Dead Rising 3 on XBone

The Xbox One exclusive will have some Smart Glass specific content for the upcoming Capcom zombie adventure.During Microsoft’s E3 conference, a sequel to the internationally renowned Dead Rising franchise was shown much to the chagrin of Sony and PC users everywhere. The XBone exclusive title is shaping up to be less of a timed exclusive as originally speculated, with the announcement of new content with the use of Microsoft’s tablet. According to Dead Rising 3′s Executive Producer Josh Bridge,  Smart Glass will be useful in fighting the zombie horde.

Bridge explains some in-game missions will only be accessible for Smartglass users and work together to make a completely convergent experience. Once the game is released, you will be able to download a Smartglass app, connect to your console and sync it up with the game. The app will know Dead Rising is currently being played, you can then press a button and your mobile device will skin your phone like the on inside the game. From here you will gain access to exclusive game content, hidden bonuses and new missions.Bridge specified, “You’ll get calls from a character that are only on the SmartGlass device. So if you don’t have SmartGlass, you won’t get those calls from that guy.” Bridge went on to state that information and missions will not be available anywhere else and will only be accessible via the app. With Microsoft pushing for a fuller gaming and media experience, it’s good to see them utilise an exclusive title in such a way.via The Escapist

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